Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cute, but Hard to See

Last weekend Jim and I traveled to Reno to see our granddaughter in a performance of Finding The Christmas Star. It was cute, she was cute, and here are a couple of photos. She and her friend played twin sisters. Aren't they darling?
Of course it would be easier to tell if I would take better photos, but I seem to be getting worse. I will blame the poor photos on the miserable cold I had, it made everything look kind of glow-y.


Barbara H. said...

She's darling! Sorry to hear about your cold. I've been coughing for a month now, and it gets old fast.

Faith said...

This is really sweet,hope you are having a lovely christmas I have just started with a yukky cold starting just before Christmas, how annoying though I did have my flu jabs.