Saturday, August 9, 2008


Well, this is what happens when you lose your creative mojo. You make nothing for several months and then end up making perhaps the most colorless shirt on the planet! It's almost like an example of "use it or lose it" of the color-joy muscle. After Jim wears it in a wedding next week, I am going to go wild with the surface design. The worst that could result is that he'll never wear it again. In the meantime, I'd better make a committment to do some kind of art every day in order to keep all the color from running out of my life!


Vicki W said...

Ok, so how is it that I had not found your blog yet? You do some awesome stuff - I love those fabrics in the last psot!

Unknown said...

At least you're making something. You'll wake it up with some of your awesome screens. If Jim hates it, you can cut it up and use it! Make sure to bring supplies for the FV design exercises.

Susan Italo said...

I'm very impressed that you are making a shirt! And you know, white fabric LOVES to be painted, dyed, screened, stamped....

Barbara H. said...

Oh noes! You lose your creative mojo, too? I find sometimes a "boring" project jumpstarts me to something more intriquing. Have fun!