Saturday, November 14, 2009

Redefining A Material World

Tonight's reception for Redefining A Material World was so much fun! Esther Jacobsen Bates was the curator for the show and she did an excellent job of hanging the work and throwing a great artists reception. If you are traveling through Solvang, California between now and January 24th, be sure to stop by the Elverhoj Museum of History and Art for a fantastic display of fiberart. Plus, Fibervision members have stocked the boutique with some wonderful (and some are even practical) works of art that would be perfect for holiday gifts.


Jonadele Fashions said...

It was good to see you. Enjoyed the show. You have all grown.

Barb Forrister said...

Hi Lora,
Congratulations on the show. It looks like it was a fantastic venue!

Pamela Price Klebaum said...

Lora, congratulations again!