Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Views II

Today was the ingathering of the pieces that will be in Fibervision's latest exhibit, New Views II, at the Cabrillo Pavillion Arts Center beginning tomorrow. We've got 60 pieces, almost all of it new work waiting to make its debut. Hope you can join us this Thursday, September 29th, from 5:30 to 7:30pm for the artist's reception.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Progress on Baby Trips Around the World

Last month I posted a photo of the fabrics I am using to make this quilt for my grand-nephew. Today I spent a lazy Labor Day reading magazines, watching an old movie (Above Suspicion with Joan Crawford and Fred McMurray) and sewing a bit on this quilt. All the "blocks" are finished, it is just a matter of sewing them all to each other now and this is the first complete round. It is one busy quilt!

If I had to do it over again I think I would have paid more attention to the value changes and less attention to the prints on the fabric.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

September Paper

Lately I have been drawn to playing with paper and paint, perhaps doing some collage. I have also been thinking about my next quilt and using some kind of repeating circles and/or scallop shapes. So, I pulled out some paper, paints, bubble wrap, stamps and a purple marking pen and made this background. I may do some writing and collage on this paper version at some point, but will definitely do some sketching, planning, and fabric auditions based on this background tomorrow.

On The Fence

Photo of the Day

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lavender & Tree

Photo of the Day

Something about this tree with the lavender growing around the bottom of it really appeals to me, but haven't been able to figure out why. I'm sure it has something to do with the juxtaposition of lines. Thanks, Pammy Jane!