Sunday, March 16, 2008

Coming back to bite me ......

Ya know the old saying about your words coming back to bite you? Well, I think I'm bit! Here is a photo of the piece I am working on to enter in the Buddha Abides show. I am pleased with it so far...... but ......
Sometime back, fellow fiber artist Judy Rys and I were discussing the quilting aspect of our work and I told her I felt pretty lucky because the quilting pattern usually came to me along with the vision of the work content. So, dear reader, you can probably guess that I haven't a clue what to do with this. I stare at it for awhile, close my eyes and try to visualize it quilted, picked the threads in the hope that would kick start me, but nooooo, still no inspiration. I decided to just forget about it for about a day and see if anything wafted into my head, but again, no. I came in this afternoon after attending the Santa Barbara Symphony and, I swear, it smirked at me. I don't think it is appropriate for a Buddhism-themed piece to be so argumentative. There's probably a lesson here, I'll keep you posted.


Faith said...

I love your idea and I love your drawing, the heart with swirly lines has so many ideas and potential for quilts, what you have done so far is looking excellent... will you be putting anything round the circular border?
thankyou for coming to my blog, Im still working on my butterflies and also having to do some watercolours to try and sell to get some pennies together.

Judy Rys said...

I hate when that happens! Try putting some tracing paper on top and doodling. Once I start . . . it generally seems to work itself out. Great design.